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  • 17:48 UTC (new) (history) 2024-02-26 A simple trick with URL parsing in plain text emails . . . . mbork Today I only have a very short tip I thought up a few days ago. If you sometimes send URL via emails (like me), and you absolutely hate HTML emails (like me), there is a common and annoying problem. If the URL you send is the last thing in a sentence, and you want to be correct and end that sentence with a period (or other punctuation), a lot of email clients will treat that punctuation as part of the URL, and of course such “modified” URL won’t work for the recipient. I usually solved that by putting a space between the URL and the period – not 100% correct, but I could live with that. A few days ago it occurred to me that there is another, slightly hackish way to solve my issue. From now on I’m using a hash instead of a space. Assuming that the website I link to doesn’t have any element with the id~ of a period (or any other weird thing like an exclamation mark, of a period followed by a closing parenthesis etc.), the punctuation will be ignored by the browser, but I won’t need to put any space before the end-sentence period. You’re welcome!


  • 16:30 UTC (new) (history) 2024-02-17 Opening external drives in Dired . . . . mbork I use external drives pretty often – for backups, for moving files between machines, and for storing mp4 files, for example. I’ve been using UDisks for quite some time now. It automounts an external drive under the /run/media/$USER/VolumeName directory (where VolumeName is different for each drive, of course). I also use Dired as my main file manager. As most Emacsers know, it’s far from shiny, but it’s incredibly powerful, especially combined with some other Emacs features. One problem I have is that when I insert a drive into one of the USB ports, I’d like to be able to open it in Dired.


  • 05:39 UTC (new) (history) 2024-02-12 Finding Bible quotes . . . . mbork I often have the need to find some particular quote of the Bible – either I am reading some religious text or I want to link to some passage on my blog. What I miss is the ability to quickly see the relevant passage, open it in a browser and create an Org mode link to it.


  • 05:45 UTC (new) (history) 2023-02-05 From the kill ring to a register revisited . . . . mbork Two weeks ago I wrote about my little command to move the topmost (or some other) kill ring entry to a register. It turned out that this particular post – which I thought was rather niche – spurred more interest than apparently more useful posts I have. Go figure.

